The HSW cars in GTA Online are known for being the fastest set of wheels available, but unfortunately, they are currently only available for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S users, leaving PC players out of the loop. Since their introduction in 2022, players have been patiently waiting for Rockstar to bring Hao’s Special Works (HSW) to PC and allow them to take their cars to the next level. HSW Performance Upgrades give a substantial boost to the stats of eligible cars, increasing their top speed significantly, making them virtually unbeatable by any normal car.
Although the developers haven't confirmed any plans to release HSW cars on PC anytime soon, rumors suggest that they might arrive in 2023. Let's take a look at the top five HSW cars that PC players would love to see in GTA Online.
Note: The developers have not announced any plans to release HSW cars on PC as of now. If they do decide to make it available on PC, players can expect an official announcement first.
Vigero ZX, Entity MT, and 3 more HSW cars that need to be on GTA Online PC
5) Vigero ZX
Manufacturer – Declasse
Top speed - 125.00 mph (201.17 km/h)
HSW top speed - 157.50 mph (253.47 km/h)
The Vigero ZX is a special two-door civilian pony car that has been a part of GTA Online’s open world since The Criminal Enterprises update last year. Its design draws inspiration from the real-life Chevrolet Camaro of 2017-2018.
The muscle car runs on a single-cam V8 engine with a six-speed gearbox. The Vigero ZX's original performance is decent, but the addition of HSW upgrades can truly unleash its full potential, making it one of the fastest muscle cars available in the game.
It is currently available for a price of $1,947,000 from the Southern San Andreas Super Autos.
4) Entity MT
Manufacturer – Overflod
Top speed - 131.25 mph (211.23 km/h)
HSW top speed - 150.50 mph (242.21 km/h)
The Entity MT is a super-class civilian car that was recently added to GTA Online as part of the Los Santos Drug Wars DLC. The developers have taken inspiration from Koenigsegg Jesko while bringing it to Los Santos.
On the performance side, the modern-looking vehicle is powered by a single-overhead Camshaft V8 engine with a six-speed gearbox. With the right set of HSW upgrades, players can take the car to its absolute limit and increase its top speed substantially.
The Entity MT is available for $2,355,000 from Legendary Motorsport.
3) Issi Rally
Manufacturer – Weeny
Top speed - 116.75 mph (187.89 km/h)
HSW top speed - 138.25 mph (222.49 km/h)
The Issi Rally is a rally-oriented SUV that debuted in GTA Online a couple of weeks ago as part of the Drug Wars update. It seems to be based on the Mini John Cooper Works WRC rally car.
It runs on a lively V8 engine with a seven-speed gearbox in an AWD layout. While the base variant of the vehicle may not seem like an impressive option, the HSW upgrade elevates its performance and makes it one of the best new SUVs in the game in 2023.
Unfortunately, Rockstar has temporarily removed it from the game, but it is expected to make a return soon.
2) Deveste Eight
Manufacturer – Principe
Top speed - 131.75 mph (212.03 km/h)
HSW top speed - 151.75 mph (244.22 km/h)
The Deveste Eight is a two-seater super-class civilian car that was released in 2019 as part of the Arena War update of GTA Online. Judging by its name and design, it seems to be inspired by the real-life Devel Sixteen concept vehicle.
When it comes to performance, the vehicle runs on a unique but powerful V16 engine as evidenced by its glass hood. It is currently the fourth fastest set of wheels in the game, making it a must-have for speed enthusiasts. Players can even take its speed to the next level by installing HSW upgrades, making it an even more formidable force on the streets.
The Deveste Eight can be purchased for $1,795,000 from Legendary Motorsport.
1) S95
Manufacturer – Karin
Top speed - 115.50 mph (185.88 km/h)
HSW top speed - 155.50 mph (250.25 km/h)
The S95 is a famous two-seater civilian sports car in GTA Online that was added with the Expanded & Enhanced Edition. It is largely based on the real-life Toyota 86 (first generation).
The exotic-looking vehicle is powered by a Flat-4 engine with a six-speed gearbox in an RWD layout. The S95 is considered one of the best overall cars in the game, and players usually use it as a getaway vehicle. HSW upgrades can make a huge difference in the maximum speed of the car.
The vehicle can be purchased for $1,995,000 from Southern San Andreas Super Autos, but returning players can acquire it for free.
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