If you’re wondering what does wrd mean in text, you are not alone because people utilize a wide variety of lingo on Snapchat. To avoid becoming lost in the middle of a conversation, it would be great if you kept up with these terminologies, including acronyms and abbreviating words.
The terms “WYD,” “SMH,” “TLDR,” “IYKYK,” “DFKM,” “OFC,” and most recently, “WRD,” are some of the most often used ones. But what does wrd mean in text? In this article, we’re going to explain the abbreviation and what it means.
What does wrd mean in text?
Slang for shock or agreeing with something is “word.” It’s comparable to asking “really” or nodding in agreement.
Let’s take a look at this exchange between Evelyn and John in this situation to provide a concrete illustration.
- Evelyn: “Hey, John!”
- John: “Hi, Evelyn. What’s up?”
- Evelyn: “I had the weirdest thing today, John. This morning as I was heading to work, a pit bull chased after me!”
- John: “wrd?!”
John used the slang term “wrd” to convey his astonishment and dismay at what had occurred to Evelyn during this chat.
Let’s have a look at another instance of “wrd” usage below and try to see what does wrd mean in text.
- Thomas: “Hey, bro.”
- Chase: “Hey bro. What’s up?”
- Thomas: “Oh, not much at all. I have a ton of schoolwork to complete, and I’m making every effort to raise my grades. I have no time for social interaction, and I’m just worn out..”
- Chase: “Oh! Bro, I’m sorry about that. Do you think you might want to take a day or two off?”
- Thomas: “I can’t. You are aware of how college is. Every second counts, and after the semester I can finally receive the rest I need.”
- Chase: “Wrd. That’s true.”
Chase uses the word “wrd” to concur with Thomas’ assertion in the previous exchange. You can use the “wrd” slang in a Snapchat conversation in these two ways.
Snapchat users frequently use the word “wrd” in situations like these two, leaving other users confused about what does wrd mean in text. The context shown above is essential for understanding what does wrd mean in text.
Other usages for ‘wrd’
In addition to the two accepted ways of employing “wrd” in speech, some people may perceive it as a different word entirely or use it in its original sense, which makes the answer to the question of what does wrd mean in text even more difficult. Weird is a commonly misunderstood definition of the word “wrd.”
So, you might hear the word “wrd” in talks like the ones shown below.
- Clair: “Mom, I didn’t get your call. Is everything okay?””
- Mom:“Hi, Randy. I wanted to check what was the wrd you used to define the dog you wish to adopt.”
- Clair: “LOL. I told you, Mom, that I wanted a dog that would be steadfast loyal.”
- Mom:“Oh! Yes! I believe I have the ideal dog for you, Clair!”
- Clair: “Really? Thanks, Mom! I’ll soon join you.”
The non-contextual “word” that the slang “wrd” originally stood for was all that was used in the discourse.
We’ll see the term “wrd” being used to denote “strange” in the conversational example below.
- Tony: “Did you see the man who was seated at the petrol station’s corner?”
- Jeffrey: “Yes. To me, bro, he seemed wrd. How come you asked?”
- Tony: “That’s what I was going to say too!”
- Jeffrey: “He hasn’t done anything particularly sinister other than stand there, so we should leave him alone.”
- Tony: “True that.”
It’s not often that “wrd” is used to mean “strange,” but if it does, just go with itThere is no use for the “wrd” slang on Snapchat other than these definitions. However, you might be conversing with a smart individual who uses the abbreviation “WRD” for:
- White Ribbon Day
- World Run Day
- Web Resource Data
- Wireless Reading Device.
With all of these meanings for the abbreviation ‘wrd,’ at the end of the day, it’s up to you to figure out what the other person means. However, if you think what you are not clear about is potentially a violation of the use of terms, don’t hesitate to contact the Snapchat support team. If you are confused about other trends in Snapchat, check out our articles below to make sure not to miss out on anything.
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Tags: snapchatwrd