Osrs Coconuts (2024)

1. Coconut - OSRS Wiki

  • Picking coconuts · Coconut milk · Half coconut · Coconut shell

  • A coconut is obtained from a palm tree, which can be grown from a palm sapling in a fruit tree patch, provided that one has level 68 Farming. Players can pay a gardener a fee of 15 papayas to watch over the tree while it grows. A fully grown palm tree grows one coconut per 40 minutes up to a maximum of six per tree.

Coconut - OSRS Wiki

2. Picking coconuts - OSRS Wiki

  • Sep 18, 2023 · Coconuts grow on palm trees, and are used to make coconut milk, used in high-level Herblore, being the secondary ingredients used to make ...

  • Coconuts grow on palm trees, and are used to make coconut milk, used in high-level Herblore, being the secondary ingredients used to make Weapon Poison++ and Antidote++. They're also used to pay farmers to look after magic trees and dragonfruit trees. Once a palm tree has grown fully, it can be harvested repeatedly, with a coconut growing back every 45 minutes on average, for a maximum of six per palm tree.

Picking coconuts - OSRS Wiki

3. Money making guide/Picking coconuts - Old School RuneScape Wiki

  • Coconuts grow on palm trees, and they are used to make coconut milk, used in high-level Herblore, such as making Super strong weapon poison.

Money making guide/Picking coconuts - Old School RuneScape Wiki

4. Coconut - Live price graph OSRS - GE Tracker

5. Coconut - Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom

  • A coconut is obtained from a palm tree, which can be grown from a palm sapling in a fruit tree patch, provided that one has level 68 Farming.

  • A coconut is obtained from a palm tree, which can be grown from a palm sapling in a fruit tree patch, provided that one has level 68 Farming. Players can pay a gardener a fee of 15 papayas to watch over the tree while it grows. A fully grown palm tree grows one coconut per 30 minutes up to a maximum of six per tree. A hammer can be used on a coconut to create a half coconut, which can be used on an empty vial to gain coconut milk and a coconut shell. Coconut milk is needed for making certain hig

Coconut - Old School RuneScape Wiki - Fandom

6. Coconut - Grand Exchange - Old School RuneScape

  • It's a coconut. Coconut. Current Guide Price 4,259. Today's Change - 27 + 0% ...

  • It's a coconut.

Coconut - Grand Exchange - Old School RuneScape

7. Coconut - RuneScape Item - RuneHQ

8. Coconut - Grand Exchange - Old School RuneScape

  • It's a coconut. Coconut. Current Guide Price 2,568. Today's Change - 27 - 1%; 1 Month Change 347 ...

  • It's a coconut.

Coconut - Grand Exchange - Old School RuneScape

9. Tropical coconut - RuneScape Item - RuneHQ

  • OSRS · Quests · Minigames/Achievements · Miniquests · Treasure Trails · RuneScape 3 ... Five coconuts will raise the temperature by 1%, for a total of 500 ...

  • They can be added to the coconut pile near the coconut shy activity for extra Farming experience.

10. OSRS Farming Training Guide Leveling 1-99 Fastest XP Rates

  • 5 days ago · Supercompost can be obtained by filling the compost bin with better farming produce like Watermelons or Coconuts. Ultracompost can be ...

  • In this OSRS Farming Training Guide, we have described the fastest ways players can train farming with farm runs, showing the best locations and experience

11. 1-99 OSRS Farming Training Guide - Ezrsgold

  • Mar 24, 2020 · It takes 25 coconuts to keep your tree alive until it grows and it takes 8 hours to grow. Keep growing all the trees you did before. There's ...

  • Old School Runescape Farming training guide for 2022. Get the fastest farming xp, quests list, OSRS herb run guide, tithe farm introduction & best farming money making methods.

1-99 OSRS Farming Training Guide - Ezrsgold

12. Coconut Cookies's Profile - GE Tracker

  • Check out our OSRS Flipping Guide (2024), covering GE mechanics, flip finder tools and price graphs. Login Register. Coconut Cookies's User Profile. Coconut ...

  • New users have a 2-day free premium account to experience all the features of GE Tracker.

13. Iridium Ore - Stardew Valley Wiki

  • Jul 23, 2024 · An exotic ore with many curious properties. Can be smelted into bars. Information. Source, Mining • Magma Geode • Omni Geode • Golden Coconut • ...

  • Iridium Ore is a resource that can be obtained in a variety of locations (see "Locations" below).

Iridium Ore - Stardew Valley Wiki
Osrs Coconuts (2024)


Where do you get coconuts in Osrs? ›

A coconut is obtained from a palm tree, which can be grown from a palm sapling in a fruit tree patch, provided that one has level 68 Farming. Players can pay a gardener a fee of 15 papayas to watch over the tree while it grows. A fully grown palm tree grows one coconut per 40 minutes up to a maximum of six per tree.

How long does it take for coconuts to regrow osrs? ›

Once a palm tree has grown fully, it can be harvested repeatedly, with a coconut growing back every 45 minutes on average, for a maximum of six per palm tree.

How many coconuts per tree in OSRs? ›

The tree will produce six coconuts, which grant 41.5 Farming experience each when picked, for a total of 10,509.5 experience per seed from planting to harvest. Palm trees can be harvested repeatedly, with a coconut growing back every 40 minutes for a maximum of six.

What are coconuts used for in Osrs? ›

Item Uses: Used as payment when growing Magic trees; used in Herblore for their milk in Weapon poison+ and Weapon poison++. Notes: This item is used to get Coconut milk, which is used instead of a Water-filled vial in Herblore to make higher level potions.

Can you farm coconuts? ›

Most at home in Southeast Asia, coconuts can be grown in many tropical areas with abundant rainfall. Young trees require six to ten years of growing time before they start producing, with full maturity after 15 years.

Where do you get coconuts from? ›

Coconuts come from one of the most famous and useful palms in the world, the coconut palm. An iconic symbol of the tropics, the coconut palm can live up to 100 years in the wild. This 'tree of life' can protect, heal and feed; if you ever find yourself stranded on a desert island, the coconut palm may be all you need.

Where do you get coconuts in Runescape? ›

Coconuts can be harvested from palm trees grown within a fruit tree patch. A fully grown coconut tree can grow up to six coconuts at a time. Each coconut, when picked, gives Farming experience. Once all six coconuts have been picked, the tree will slowly produce more coconuts until six more are available again.

Is growing palm trees profitable in OSRs? ›

Palm saplings are used to train Farming. Because it is time consuming and gives little to no experience, planting the palm tree seeds in filled plant pots to grow saplings is often skipped in favour of buying the saplings directly from the Grand Exchange. This opens up an opportunity to grow palm saplings for profit.

What is the best Farming XP in Osrs? ›

Tree runs are the most effective way to gain Farming experience. To do this, plant the highest-tier tree, fruit tree, and hardwood tree saplings available, along with the special tree saplings (calquat, celastrus, crystal, and redwood).

Are palm saplings worth it in OSRs? ›

Planting the palm sapling gives 110.5 Farming experience. A healthy palm tree, when checked, provides 10,150 Farming experience. Each coconut, when picked, gives 41.5 Farming experience.

Do fruit trees replenish Osrs? ›

A fruit tree will continue to grow fruit over time, to a maximum of six, unless it is cut down and its stump dug up, with a new fruit regenerating every 40 minutes.

How do I get more coconuts from my tree? ›

The coconut trees' productivity may be increased by regular trimming, which may also assist in maintaining their height and ensure they get enough sunshine and airflow. Increased yield can also be achieved via the use of harvesting methods that prevent fruit damage and guarantee prompt harvesting.

Does watering plants in Osrs do anything? ›

Watering allotment, flower, and hops patches with a watering can eliminate the risk of disease occurring at the end of that growth cycle. During the next growth cycle, the plant moves from being watered back to normal and becomes at risk for disease once more, unless it is watered again.

What do purple sweets do in Osrs? ›

Purple sweets are a stackable food item that are earned from all levels of Treasure Trails, except beginner. Purple sweets are the only stackable food item in the game, restoring 1–3 Hitpoints and 10% run energy per sweets eaten.

What is a jar of dirt used for Osrs? ›

The jar of dirt is a rare drop from the Kraken boss. It can be used on a boss lair display in a player's Achievement Gallery to have a display of the Kraken. Doing so requires killing it at least once.

How do you gather coconuts? ›

Harvesting of coconuts is commonly done by climbing the tree with the help of a rope ring round the feet or ankles of the climber or by using a ladder. On reaching the top, the climber taps the nut in the lowermost bunch with its harvesting knife to test its maturity.

Where do we get most of our coconuts? ›

The top 5 coconut producing countries in the world are: Indonesia, The Philippines, India, Sri Lanka and Brazil. At The Coconut Company, we're proud to bring you coconut products from Indonesia, The Philippines and Sri Lanka.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.