🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (2024)

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Unraveling the Delight: The Story Behind Swedish Meatballs

Swedish meatballs, known as “köttbullar” in their native tongue, are a culinary icon that has transcended borders and found its way into kitchens and restaurants worldwide. But what exactly are these delightful orbs of flavor, and how did they become so popular?

Originating from Sweden, these meatballs are traditionally made from a mix of ground beef and pork, seasoned with spices like allspice and nutmeg. They are typically small in size, making them perfect for snacking or as part of a larger meal. The meatballs are often paired with a creamy gravy, mashed potatoes, and the tangy lingonberry jam – a combination that offers a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

One might wonder, how did a dish so specific to Swedish culture become a global sensation? The answer might lie with the global furniture giant, IKEA. With its stores spread across the globe, IKEA’s food courts introduced many to their first taste of Swedish meatballs. The affordable and delicious meatballs served at IKEA became an instant hit, prompting many to seek out authentic recipes and recreate the dish at home.

However, the history of Swedish meatballs goes beyond IKEA’s influence. These meatballs have deep roots in Swedish culture and have been a staple in Swedish households for centuries. They are often associated with festive occasions and family gatherings, symbolizing comfort, warmth, and togetherness.

Interestingly, there has been some debate about the true origin of Swedish meatballs. Some historical records suggest that the recipe might have been brought back to Sweden from Turkey in the early 18th century. This has led to playful banter between the two countries about the true “ownership” of the meatball recipe.

Regardless of their origin, Swedish meatballs have become a dish loved by many. Their rich flavor, combined with the creamy gravy and tart lingonberry jam, creates a culinary experience that is both comforting and indulgent. Whether you’re enjoying them at a local IKEA or a traditional Swedish eatery, one thing is certain – Swedish meatballs are a timeless dish that continues to captivate taste buds around the world.

These Swedish meatballs are so delicious, and easy to make too! From start to finish, you can have this meal on the table within 3o minutes, and your family will love it!

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (1)

This year, I have vowed to make meals as easy as possible from start to finish. I also wanted to add some new recipes to our weekly menus that our kiddos will actually eat. On a recent trip to IKEA, my daughter and I discovered Swedish meatballs, and WOAH! They are so delicious! My daughter loved them so much that she asked if we could have it at home sometime, and of course, I said yes!

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (2)

On a recent trip to Walmart, I was perusing the frozen food section and saw thatCooked Perfect®offered frozen Homestyle Meatballs made with chicken, pork and beef. I have used their Italian Style Meatballs many times for meatball subs and spaghetti and meatball dishes, but for this dish I didn’t want the Italian flavor, so these were the perfect choice for Swedish meatballs! So, I grabbed a bag and brought them home!

Also check out our Frozen meatball recipe.

Savoring Simplicity: Crafting Swedish Delights with Frozen Meatballs

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (3)

To start this recipe off, I followed the instructions on the back of theCooked PerfectMeatballsbag, and cooked them in the oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (4)

While the meatballs were cooking in the oven, I started melting 1/4 cup of butter in a saucepan on medium-high heat.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (5)

Once the butter was melted, I added in 1/3 cup of all-purpose four and whisked it together with the butter until it browed up a bit, making a roux.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (6)

Once the roux was slightly browned, I slowly stirred in 4 cups of beef broth, whisking the entire time. I let it cook for 2 minutes, and it thickened up.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (7)

Once the sauce thickened up a bit, I added 3/4 cup of sour cream and whisked it in until fully combined.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (8)

Now it’s time for the fun part! Let’s add in the cooked meatballs to the hot tub! Once the meatballs are in the sauce, I let them cook in the sauce for 10 minutes so all the flavor from the meatballs and sauce would really combine well.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (9)

Once they finished cooking, I wanted to make sure to serve them with something that could soak up some of the sauce and pair nicely with the meatballs too, so I chose egg noodles.


🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (10)

Delicious Swedish Meatballs Using Frozen Meatballs

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These Swedish meatballs are so delicious, and easy to make too! From start to finish, you can have this meal on the table within 3o minutes, and your family will love it!



  • 1 bag of Cooked Perfect® Frozen Homestyle Meatballs
  • 1/4 cup of butter
  • 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups of beef broth
  • 3/4 cup of sour cream
  • Cooked egg noodles (optional)


Bake meatballs on a sheet pan for 20 minutes at 350°
While the meatballs are cooking, melt 1/4 cup of butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Once butter is melted, whisk in 1/3 cup of all-purpose flour and continue to whisk until it browns up and thickens a bit. Slowly stir in 4 cups of beef broth and whisk while cooking for 2 minutes, or until it starts to thicken. Once the sauce has thickened, add 3/4 cup of sour cream and stir well. Now add your baked meatballs to the sauce and let cook for 10 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately over cooked egg noodles.

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Y’all, I can’t even tell you how delicious these Swedish meatballs turned out! The meatballs were nice and moist, and really soaked up the sauce that I made. My entire family gave them two thumbs up, and Kate said they were even better than the meatballs that we had at IKEA! The best thing for me was not having the pressure of having to make homemade meatballs, brown them and then cook them on top of creating the sauce to go with them. TheseCooked Perfect® Meatballsreally were just that…cooked perfectly and delicious! I could really tell that they had been made with quality ingredients and flame-broiled before freezing, which made them taste just like homemade!

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (11)

You canFind Cooked Perfect Meatballsin your grocer’s freezer section, and believe me, you will want to pick up several bags to keep stocked in your freezer for those nights when you don’t know what to cook! They are a huge time saver, so delicious and you can use them in tons of meatball recipes!

For more delicious recipes, check out our Frozen meatball recipe.

🍴 Quick & Tasty: Swedish Meatballs from Frozen! 🍴 (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.